
What are mineral transporters?

Dr. Hans Nieper developed mineral transporters, which are compounds, where minerals are attached to organic molecules. The transporter molecules are natural substances used by the body in cellular metabolism. When cells absorb the carrier substance the minerals are delivered into intracellular locations.


Why use orotates in cardiovascular conditions?

One of the main goals of natural practitioners is to find and use compounds natural to the human body when addressing conditions of illness. Eumetabolic therapy involves the administration of metabolically active natural compounds in an attempt to help renormalize physiological functions. Orotic acid a natural substance synthesized in the human body. Metabolically orotic acid is an intermediate in the production of RNA and DNA. Previous investigations in the heart suggest that mineral orotates could be of significant clinical benefit in for the health of the heart.

Use of Pep HCL for low stomach acid.

Because the population of aging individuals is increasing, healthcare professionals are seeing more and more patients with digestive problems. Over 50% percent of the population in industrial countries now suffers from some type of digestive disorders. Primary symptoms of digestive disturbances include indigestion and bloating after eating, an excessive passage of gas associated with abdominal cramps, difficulty gaining weight, constipation or alternating periods of constipation and diarrhea and the passage of mucus and undigested food and pills in the stool.

Good digestion is necessary for optimum health, and disordered digestion is a major contributor in the development of many diseases. Proper digestion requires healthy intestinal epithelium, normal production and secretion of pancreatic and intestinal enzymes, hormones, bile salts, hydrochloric acid and a healthy population of a variety of intestinal microorganisms.

Improper digestive function is associated with unhealthy intestinal mucosa, low production of stomach acid, inadequate production and secretion of bile salts, inadequate production and secretion of digestive enzymes, and overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract frequently lead to malabsorption of nutrients resulting in a host of organ dysfunctions. Half of the people over age 60 develop low stomach acid (Davies and James, 1930).

So, if you’re low in hydrochloric acid, how do you know how much to supplement with? One way is the use of a self-test is to estimate the amount of supplemental hydrochloric acid (Pep HCL) you need to reestablish adequate stomach acid. Here’s how you do it: 1. Begin by taking 1 tablet at your next large meal. At every meal after that of the same size, take 1 more tablet (1 tablet at the next meal, 2 at the meal after that, then 3 at the next meal, and so on). 2. Continue to increase the dose until you reach 7 tablets or you feel a warmth in your stomach, whichever occurs first. A feeling of warmth in the stomach means that you have taken too many tablets for a meal of that size. Take 1 less tablet the next time. However, it is a good idea to try the larger dose again at another meal to make sure that it was the hydrochloric acid that caused the warmth and not something else. 3. After you have determined the largest dose that you can take at your large meals without feeling any warmth, maintain that dose at all meals of similar size. Take fewer tablets with smaller meals. 4. When taking several tablets, it is best to take them throughout the meal rather than all at once. 5. As your stomach begins to regain the ability to produce the amount of hydrochloric acid needed to properly digest your food, you will notice the warm feeling again. This is the time to start decreasing the dose level. 6. Every 3 days, decrease by 1 tablet per meal. If the warmth continues, decrease more rapidly. If maldigestion symptoms return, add tablets back until digestion improves again.

Davies D, James TG. An investigation into the gastric secretion of a hundred normal persons over the age of sixty. Brit J Med 1930;(i):1-14.

How does Lithium orotate get into the brain?

Lithium orotate provides trace amounts of lithium to the body delivered in the form of lithium orotate. Each lithium orotate 120mg tablet contains 4.6mg of elemental lithium. This is about 4 ½ times less elemental lithium by weight than an equivalent weight of lithium carbonate. Basically, lithium orotate is a supplement that according to Dr. Hans Nieper effectively delivers lithium into the brain without having to increase blood levels of lithium to high levels. In fact, blood levels of lithium usually remain very low when lithium orotate is taken in doses under 4 tablets per day. Lithium orotate works by actively transporting lithium out of the bloodstream into the brain, unlike lithium drugs that must elevate blood lithium levels to near toxic levels before enough lithium is able to passively diffuse through the blood-brain barrier into the brain. “In low doses, lithium acts as a nutrient required for B12 and folate transport and uptake, neuromodulation, and the function of many biochemical processes in both humans and animals (Marshall, 2015).”

Marshall TM. Lithium as a nutrient. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. 2015 winter; 20(4):04-109.

Calcium orotate may help reduce appetite.

Dr. Nieper reported that use of calcium orotate can reduce appetite among chronic binge eaters. It works by reducing hunger. Use would be 2 capsules in the morning on an empty stomach and then consume a meal with protein and fat about one hour later.

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