Magnesium Orotate


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Magnesium orotate is a mineral transporter where magnesium is bound orotic acid a natural component of whey. Dr. Hans Nieper used this mineral transporter for magnesium nutritional support in thousands of patients who suffered from cardiovascular conditions. This magnesium mineral transporter has very high absorption with the majority of the compound passing in an intact state through the small intestine into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, orotates have a particular affinity for bone, cartilage, liver, brain, heart, lungs and the walls of blood vessels. Due to its ready absorption by the lining of blood vessels, magnesium orotate will activate enzymes in the vessel walls slowly mobilizing deposits of cholesterol. The magnesium will also relax the smooth muscle of arteries. Both of these processes will increase the elasticity of blood vessels so over time so magnesium orotate can be a beneficial supportive nutrient in for cardiovascular health.

Magnesium Orotate is one of Dr. Hans Nieper’s formulas that supports the following systems:

1. Cardiovascular System
2. Lymphatic System
3. Digestive System
4. Muscular System
5. Nervous System
6. Renal System

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